If your large or small company is looking for a local business marketing company you want to make sure that you find a resource that is well versed in a variety of topics. Local business marketing, in fact, is the most effective if the company that you select is able to provide content driven posts on a regular basis so that you can capture the ownership of the most applicable words through the search engine optimization process. In your screening process of selecting an internet marketing company you might consider asking the candidate who their previous and current customers are. Can they, for example, show you evidence that they can provide relevant and engaging content on topics as diverse as art consulting and zoo memberships?
- Art consulting for hospitals and other types of lobbies
- Bus travel for church groups
- Cremation urns
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other historical figures
- Effective real estate strategies
- Food preparation methods
- Gloves, hats, and high end leather products
- Hearing aid repair
- IT outsourcing
- Justifying payroll solution decisions
- Kinds of HVAC system installation
- Lidar surveying and photogrammetry
- Middle school
- Nursing home neglect lawyer
- Open pouch filling machines
- Private drug rehabilitation services
- Quilts made from childhood t-shirts
- Red Cross pick up
- Sleep therapy center
- Tips for hiring a janitorial service
- Underground trench bid dimensions
- Visitor bureau suggestions
- What are the veterans loan requirements
- Xylophones and musical instruments for children
- Youth soccer programs
- Zoo memberships drives
It likely comes as no surprise that 48% of people cited a website?s design as the number one factor in deciding the credibility of a business. The professional design of that website then needs to be top priority. In addition to the content driven copy that a local business marketing company provides, then, it is also necessary to make sure that the SEO companies you consider can also create a website that is attractive, functional, and inspiring. Simply having a flashy logo is simply not enough any more. Successful companies have to also motivate current and potential customers to follow a company’s social media sites where new products are promoted and needed services are announced.
Research indicates that content marketing can lead to an estimated 40% increase in revenue and serves as one of the most powerful search engine optimization services. The creation of engaging copy that captures readers from varied sites to a product or service for a client is the ultimate goal of any local business marketing team.
And while many think of commercial businesses and for profit companies being the companies that most seek search engine firms and their services, the reality is that even public school districts, private school systems, and hospital agencies also rely on these services. With the use of the same techniques like responsive web design features, the marketing firms that provide services for large corporations can also help schools and hospitals reach their desired audiences.
Consider some of these other facts about the comprehensive marketing services that businesses are looking for
- 50% of mobile phone owners use their phone as their primary internet source, so it is important that any business website can immediately adjust to different sizes of screens.
- 94% of people cited web design as the reason they mistrusted or rejected a website, so it is important that posted content is tested and reviewed closely.
- 88% of consumers have read reviews to determine the quality of a local business, according to the 2015 Search Engine Journal.
- 72% of consumers say that positive reviews make them trust a local business, according to the 2015 Search Engine Journal.
What is your company doing to attract new customers and to encourage previous customers to return? The use of proven marketing techniques and website design that includes organic content should be part of the answer. In today’s digital world it is important that private schools, hospitals, and businesses of all sizes are using the best SEO strategies to capture key words and to drive customers to your site. Without a digital advantage your company, its products, and its services.
It takes no more than 50 milliseconds, or 0.05 seconds, for users to form an opinion about a website. Is your company website giving your company, your product, and your website a chance? If you are not sure about the effectiveness of your digital presence it might be time to seek the help of a digital marketing expert.