The hotel industry is an important one, and one that is likely to continue to thrive in the United States and far beyond it as well. This is because people love to travel – and the vast majority of them will need to find lodgings in the places that they travel to. Baby boomers take the most luxury vacations, with less than half saying that cost is a barrier to the travel that they want to do (on a leisure basis). Among the Millennial generation and the Gen X generation, this number is much higher. But more than twenty five percent of all baby boomers were planning to take a trip within the United States with at least three generations of their family traveling together in the year of 2016 alone, a percentage that has held firm in the few years that have followed since. But even those who do not have the funds to travel expensively or incredibly luxuriously can still have a great trip, and many Millennials and those of the Gen X generation will be looking for ways to save costs and travel as inexpensively as they possibly can – and many Baby Boomers will still also be on the lookout for money saving solutions while on vacation. In fact, seventy five percent of all of those who consider themselves to be active travelers are in the process of planning at least one brief weekend vacation during this year alone – and some will go on even more than just the one, at that.
When it comes to gaining client loyalty, hotels must be more on top of their game than ever before. Not only must they compete with other hotels for this client loyalty, but they must also be on top of their game when it comes to hotel technology, hotel trends, and the information that they provide. With more than fifty percent of people searching for information related to their travel plans on their cellular phones and mobile devices, it is important for hotels and hotel chains to have a strong online presence. If your hotel or hotel chain does not, it is likely that it will end up being passed over for a hotel or hotel chain that does, one that provides ample information to the customer – everything that they might be interested in knowing. As the average traveler will conduct as many as seventeen full fledged research sessions before booking a hotel or other such lodging, having the information for them and easy to access can be instrumental in taking the first steps towards developing customer and client loyalty with your hotel or hotel chain.
Providing good customer services one hundred percent of the time is another way in which you can build client loyalty. In fact, if bad customer service is experienced even once, more than eighty five percent of all clients will choose to take their business elsewhere when they travel in the future. Fortunately, technology in hospitality has improved considerably in the past few years, and systems like hotel registration software can make a bigger difference than one might realize, as it will prevent unnecessary errors from occurring. Staying on top of the trends in hospitality technology will help to ensure your overall client loyalty. Client loyalty is key, and giving them the best experience possible is going to give you as much client loyalty as is possible for your hotel chain or specific branch. Much of this will revolve around being on top of everything as possible, but providing services that go above and beyond what would typically be expected of a hotel stay is another great way to cement the customer loyalty for many hotel clients and guests. But along with client loyalty goes employee retention. If you don’t have great employee retention rates, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to adequately train so many new employees on such a frequent basis. Fortunately, hotel technology can help to improve the overall employee experience and help you to keep the vast majority of all of your employees for the long run and for the future.